MeatFish (disclaimer!! It’s gross)
I really need to bin this non-blog and make a serious website. But instead I am going to post some horrid disgusting thing that I did years ago for a uni film-project thing. I just came across it in the recess of a forgotten folder. The “meat-fish”. Barf away.
Photos – photos – lovely photos!

This is a publication of some photos I have taken in the last few months wih my shiny CANON 500D. Love it.
Designing a CD cover

Some more designing on the way :)
As part of my course, I will shortly be designing a CD cover for the song ‘If I had a boat‘ by Tom Rush. The song is a country song about this guy that would go out in the Ocean if he had a boat.. and if he had a pony he would ride the pony out in the ocean on his boat. Read further »

between some html5 reading and some CMS learning.. I decided to take a break Read further »
doodling with bamboo

I recently bought the Bamboo Pen and touch tablet and I am just amazed at how extremely cool it is for drawing Read further »